
6 Ways to Tell If You Have the Right IT Hardware Partner

Solid hardware is essential to your business. No matter how flashy your software, no matter how knowledgeable your programmers, you won’t get far if your network is gummed up with run-down routers and cut-rate cables. Imagine a top-notch modern physician treating cancer with 19th-century tools. Hardware counts. A reliable hardware [...]

By |2017-06-06T21:07:39-05:00September 13, 2016|IT Industry|

Best VoIP Phones for Businesses

Among the endless headlines about wondrous self-driving cars, terrifying physics-based hacking innovations, and entertaining smartphone apps, it’s easy to forget about the simple telephone. The telephone may not get a great deal of spotlight time, but it plays key communications roles. The VoIP phone, in particular, remains an essential component [...]

By |2017-03-22T18:46:46-05:00September 12, 2016|Reviews|

What to Do When a Cisco Switch Fails

Yes, it can happen. Despite Cisco’s high-quality designs and rigorous production standards, their switches have been known to fail on occasion. No one’s perfect. And with equipment this sophisticated, there are plenty of potential failure points. If your switch starts to act up or shut down, it’s time to start [...]

By |2017-02-24T19:41:07-06:00September 6, 2016|Servers & Storage|

Why the Big Guys Aren’t Always the Best Deal

When shopping for a hardware partner, it can be tempting to simply go with whichever company is the biggest. You figure you can save some time by picking the quickest, most obvious option. It’s a little like choosing a place for lunch. The fast food joint around the corner is [...]

By |2021-08-18T14:13:54-05:00August 23, 2016|Uncategorized|

Summit Makes the Inc. 5000

We would like to say thank you. Thank you for allowing us to serve you. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to do business with you. And thank you for making it possible for Summit to make the Inc. 5000 list for the fastest growing companies in America. Summit [...]

By |2021-11-17T15:46:25-06:00August 17, 2016|Summit|

Do Whatever it Takes

The 2016 Olympics in Rio is one of the most anticipated events of the summer. Billions of people the world over will be cheering on their countrymen, countrywomen and other favorite athletes to the hope of an everlasting glory. After reading a number of articles about the games (I am [...]

By |2023-04-21T11:13:55-05:00August 2, 2016|Uncategorized|

When Long Term Becomes Short Term

Take a second and think about the last time you were dissatisfied with a good or service. Assuming that didn’t take long, what led to your dissatisfaction? Were you underwhelmed with the good or service provided? Was it due to a lack of knowledge or expertise? A lack of customer [...]

By |2017-02-24T19:54:27-06:00August 1, 2016|Servers & Storage|

Out with the old, in with the new.

The 7900 Cisco series has been at the forefront of business communication for quite some time now, but it appears that’s about to change. While this is yet to be set in stone, or digital information—the more recent 8800 series is an indication that a new series of VoIP communications [...]

By |2023-04-21T11:20:58-05:00July 25, 2016|Uncategorized|

The Pokemon Go Craze and Security Concerns

Last week the world witnessed the launch of one of the most popular mobile device apps to date. Pokemon Go has been an absolute sensation in the US, Australia, Canada and many European countries. With Great Britain, Japan, France and Germany set to launch in the near future, one can [...]

By |2021-11-19T18:14:31-06:00July 19, 2016|Summit|
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