
  • extended hand offering great service

The Value of Great Service (Ebook)

Service is easy to overlook in a price-driven world. However, our workplace survey results found that two-thirds of IT professionals voted "ease of doing business" as a most important factor when working with a vendor. So while product quality, features and price are important, it is equally important to examine the [...]

By |2018-04-02T15:02:44-05:00March 12, 2018|Summit|
  • Teacher helping young students using laptops in class

All About E-rate

With technology rapidly changing, the Schools and Libraries Program (also known as E-rate) is a hot topic for schools lately. We know you probably have a good idea about what the program is all about, but here’s a quick overview: According to the U.S. Department of Education, the E-rate Program [...]

By |2018-02-20T17:49:38-06:00February 20, 2018|Summit|
  • man reading blog post on computer and phone

Top 5 Summit Blog Posts of 2017

The past year, Summit covered a lot of content relevant to the ever-expanding tech industry. We took a look at what our audience found most compelling and have compiled the five most-read tech blog posts of 2017. Check them out: 1. Cisco 3650 vs 3850 Our number one most-read post [...]

By |2019-01-28T21:27:12-06:00February 15, 2018|Summit|

The Results Are In: The Go-To Manufacturers of 1,000+ IT Professionals

From our recent 25th anniversary survey results, we gathered valuable information from IT professionals about their workplace experience. We were also curious to see what manufacturers IT pros use for their networking, server and storage projects so we can continue to provide relevant service. Based on the 1,041 responses, here's [...]

By |2018-01-03T19:39:19-06:00December 19, 2017|Summit|

6 Ways to Give Thanks to Your IT Provider

Thanksgiving is a time to show our appreciation for all the things we're deeply grateful for: friends, family, turkey, and of course, football. But there is another group that could use some holiday love... A good IT provider will always be there for you. They are never too busy to [...]

By |2017-12-05T22:18:16-06:00November 17, 2017|Summit|
  • People working on team communication

5 Simple Ways to Improve Team Communication

We can spend all day talking to our coworkers in the office, and everything might appear smooth on the surface. But have you ever wondered what your coworkers really think about the team communication happening in the workplace? We surveyed more than 1,000 IT professionals all across the country, and the results [...]

By |2018-02-28T15:33:52-06:00November 7, 2017|Summit|
  • Ebook budgeting guide for IT professionals and IT managers

Guide to IT Budgeting: Free Ebook

Summit's Guide to IT Budgeting was created to help IT managers take back control of their budgets. This easy-to-read reference guide is filled with information from the challenges of budgeting to options for maximizing the dollars you do have. What's inside? Why Budgeting Matters Regardless of company size or type, [...]

By |2018-01-23T17:02:36-06:00October 17, 2017|Summit|
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